Other Artist

This page is for you artists

If you would like to display your works on this website, then please do not hesitate to contact me and send me the photo and info of your works that you wish to display.

This voluntary act on my part is a win-win because it will save you time and money by not going to create a website to display your works. And when people in your network go to the site to see your work, they can also see mine and it advertises. In my opinion, in art there is no competition because every taste is different. This is why instead of believing in competition, I believe much more in solidarity between artists. So come join us on this page and send it to your network.

Nazanin Nassirpour: Iranian Calligrapher. With his beautiful ink on paper work I was able to work on the subject of Love by mixing with my oil paintings. You can view, buy or order by clicking here Nazanin

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